As some may know and for that don't, I'm a pretty big TWD (The Walking Dead) fan thanks to my lovely girlfriend for getting me into the series. I was really never big into watching a lot of TV but there are some really good shows out there to watch. Such as Breaking Bad, Six Feet Under or Game of Thrones. There are a lot of series I like. So I'm pretty up to date of the series of TWD. And I will have to say that last night episode was like holy hell
{{[[ IF YOU HAVE NOT WATCHED SEASON 6 EPISODE 3 or season 6 yet. I would advise you to stop reading as the rest may have some SPOILERS. ]]}}
Season 6, just like a lot of the other season started off pretty crazy where the group finds a tons of walkers in a sort of quarry which is starting to fall apart while Rick and the group were coming up with plan to lead the horde of walkers (zombies) away from Alexandria. Anyways as the group starts leading the horde of walkers other things begin to happen the start messing up the plan like a loud horn going off which then starts making the walkers start going off the path that the group is trying to lead them in. This is where we start to lose some of the Alexandria people and the group starts to break off, Morgan heads back to Alexandria, which is where it sound like the horn noise is coming from. Anyways, in the 3rd episode of this season (season 6), alot of thing happen and Glenn ends up getting stuck in an alley with Nicholas (who had tried to kill Glenn previously and killed Noah) surrounded by a hug horde of walkers. Then both Glenn and Nicholas get on a dumpster still surrounded. Nicholas starts having this flashbacks or whatever and ends up shooting himself in the head and falling towards Glenn. Knocking them both off of the dumpster on to the ground where the camera shot show zombies eating on intestines of someone. But from the looks of it, Glenns TT. But it hard to say as he was not in the list of "The Talking Dead's" "for those we have lost" segment. But I really don't know what to think as I have watch that scene a couple times and still don't know what to think. In the comic book (though haven't read it myself) Glenn dies and a pretty brutal death at that. So if this is Glenn's death in the TV series, I think the creators are being nice about it as I don't think many people could handle the comic book death very well. But if he does live does that mean he will die the comic book death as it is I read in a few places that they are bring in the comic book character Negan. It's hard to say I guess we will have to wait and see.
Side note I'm working on my blog current layout as some things didn't seem to work the way they were supposed too.
Monday, October 26, 2015